Meet BITSians in Sports: BITS2Fitness Third Interview: Varsha Rajshekar (BITS-Pilani’11)

Our Third Interviewee for “Meet the BITSians in Sports” series is Varsha Rajshekar (2007B1TS563P).

Varsha is involved in Basketball, Swimming, Biking, Running, Climbing and her dream is to race the Half Iron Man in Raleigh next summer.

Enjoy reading about her interests and fitness mantras!

Name: Varsha Rajshekar
BITS ID: 2007B1TS563P

Sports involved in?
Basketball, Swim, Bike, Run, Climbing

Q1). How did you get into playing these Sports?
I started playing Basketball in high school thanks to an inspiring coach. But I think I really started appreciating the beauty of the game only during my time as a member of Girls’ Basketball team at BITS-Pilani.
I started running because I didn’t instantly find a group of friends to play Basketball with after I moved to New York City.
I started cycling and swimming after I hurt my knee while running 🙂
I started climbing about a year ago after meeting some climbing enthusiasts at grad school.

Q2). What do you like the most about these sports?
Basketball and Climbing are great because of their social aspect. It’s a great way to meet people with shared interests and form lasting friendships. Playing competitive basketball helped me appreciate the importance of hard work, discipline and team work. Climbing is meditative and a great way to step away from grad-school stress. Run-Bike-Swim provide valuable ways to spend time with yourself while getting an effective workout in.

Q3). How does it help you stay healthy?
In so many ways! I guess the physical health aspect of working out is evident. But I value the mental health benefits the most. There’s nothing more exhilarating than a post-workout rush.

Q4). Do you take special care of your diet?
I don’t restrict myself from anything but I do make healthier food choices. I cook most of my meals just to know what goes into what I’m eating. I’ve limited my intake of processed food and sugar. I’ve upped my intake of protein ever since I started climbing (Yay protein-spiked smoothies!). Also, I’ve been trying to drink lots of water.

Q5). How can someone absolutely new to (your choice of sport), start playing it? (What could be a good start to get into these sports)
I think with activities like Basketball and climbing, a perfect start would be to find a group of people who share your interest. It makes the exercise a lot more interesting. Starting doesn’t require any skill. Just interest and commitment 🙂   

Q6). What’s your next goal for your game?
I don’t play much Basketball these days. So my next goal is to just find friends and play half-court games whenever possible 🙂 I do aim to become a stronger climber though. This would mean, I’d like to climb harder routes both in indoor gyms and cliffs outdoors.
Last year I participated in the New York City Triathlon which was a phenomenal experience! I’d like to train for more triathlons in the future. My current dream is to race the Half Iron Man in Raleigh next summer. Fingers crossed. 🙂

Q7). Any advice to the BITSian community on how to stay healthy and fit?
I think the biggest fitness challenge is commitment to consistent work-outs and healthy eating. It’s so easy to get lost in the “I’m-so-busy/stressed” rut. So through my experience, I would be strategic about being fit. Make a plan. Commit to it. Make it a priority. Find friends who share these fitness goals and be accountable to each other. Most importantly, don’t be too hard on yourself. 🙂

Attached are pictures from an outdoor climbing trip to the Yosemite Valley, a post victory picture at a Basketball tournament at MNIT-Jaipur and a picture after finishing the NYC Triathlon in 2014.

Interviewed by: Robin Garg (2007A3PS161P)

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Meet BITSians in Sports: BITS2Fitness Second Interview: Sanket Shah (BITS-Goa’09)

Our Second Interviewee for “Meet the BITSians in Sports” series is Sanket Shah (2005A8PS270G).

Sanket is Master of many trades and has been involved in Track & Field, Table Tennis, Badminton, Basketball, Swimming, Yoga and Karate since childhood and he aims to cycle a Brevet (200 Kms) !

Enjoy reading about his interests and fitness mantras!

Name: Sanket Shah
BITS ID: 2005A8PS270G

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Sports/activities involved in and how did you get into playing these sports?
Sanket: I take part in any sport activity I can get my hands on. I had a lucky childhood where I took part in Track & Field, Table Tennis, Badminton, Basketball, Swimming, Yoga & Karate. Pressure of education took me away from these in high school days and couldn’t get back to them properly in BITS. After I moved to Bangalore for job, I joined a kick boxing dojo which got me back into fitness. I bought a bicycle which became my primary mode of transport (beats the traffic!).

What do you like the most about these sports?
Sanket: I’ve met a lot of people doing these activities. Really Interesting people that I would not have met otherwise. It’s awesome when you can inspire others to get fit.

How does these activities help you stay healthy?
Sanket: Fitness is a journey. After you reach a certain fitness level, you may have a break for ton number of reasons. Then it is even more harder to get back into the fitness routine. Good company and proper motivation helps. The goal should be to improve upon what you were yesterday. One day at a time.

Do you take special care of your diet?
Sanket: Diet is a very important part of being healthy. Living by yourself can often be a struggle to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet. I workout heavily to make sure I can eat without regrets and guilt.

How can someone absolutely new to (your choice of sport), start playing it?(What could be a good start to get into these sports)
Sanket: They gave a saying in marital arts: there are no bad students, only bad teachers. So it’s very important to start at the right place. It’s never too late to start anything.
Kick boxing/MMA: Fitness Fight Club, inner ring road, opposite embassy golf links
Gym: The Outfit, Banaswadi
Cycling: Bums On The Saddle, Jayanagar

What’s your next goal for your game?
Sanket: I’m planning to cycle a brevet (200km). Then I’m looking forward to do my basic mountaineering course.

Any advice to the BITSian community on how to stay healthy and fit?
Sanket: Keep calm and focus. It’s a long journey to fitness but every step counts. Do any activity with a group rather than alone.

A few of Sanket’s pictures:
One is on a cycling trip. Other one is from his trek to Goecha La Pass last October. Last one is from some time back attempting front flips at Kanteerava Stadium.

Interviewed by: Robin Garg (2007A3PS161P)

Meet BITSians in Sports: BITS2Fitness First Interview: Nupur Gupta (AISTS, BITS-Pilani’11)

BITS2Fitness is pleased to introduce new Interview Series: “Meet the BITSians in Sports”. Our first interviewee is Nupur Gupta (2007A8PS285P).

While at BITS, Nupur was captain of girls Basketball team. Post graduation, she left her job at Bain and Company to pursue a career in sports and joined AISTS for a masters degree in sports.

Name: Nupur Gupta
BITS ID: 2007A8PS285P

Sports involved in?
Cricket, Basketball, Badminton

Q1). How did you get into playing these Sports?
Nupur: Mostly from school itself. As a kid, I used to play cricket with my brother and his friends, which helped me pick up few skills and helped me develop a liking for cricket and sports in general.

Q2). What do you like the most about these sports?
Nupur: The sport I have enjoyed playing the most is “Basketball”. Mainly because of the very strong team aspect that it involves. At every given time, each and every player has a significant role to play in the sport. It teaches you to grow together and learn from each other. The camaraderie that I developed as a result with my BITS team still exists and will continue to inspire me for the rest of my life.   

Q3). How does it help you stay healthy?
Nupur: Unfortunately, after college, it becomes difficult to find the place and people to play with the same level of devotion. However, I do try to go and participate in the community basketball matches that are organized on the weekends in my current city.

Q4). Do you take special care of your diet?
Nupur: Nothing very stringent. But I try to avoid eating out too much and rather eat home cooked food itself. Also, I try to go easy on carbs and include more of proteins, fruits and vegetables.

Q5). How can someone absolutely new to Basketball, start playing it? (What could be a good start to get into these sports)
Nupur: College is the perfect time to try new sports. I don’t think there is any secret. The most important thing is that you have fun on court. Just go out there and enjoy yourself. There are two things that add more fun to whenever I play a sport – friends and challenge. Take your friends along, make teams and include a small challenge to make sure everyone gives their best!

Q6). What’s your next goal for your game?
Nupur: Not for a particular sport. The goal is just to keep fit. Just to make it a point to take a couple of hours out every 4 days a week to workout and stay healthy.  

Q7). You left your job at Bain & Company and Joined AISTS for Masters degree in sports. What factors did you consider before making this move?
Nupur: Plenty of things attracted me towards the AISTS program. Most important being able to make a career out of my passion and gaining an international experience. Luckily, it turned out well!

Q8). Any advice to the BITSian community on how to stay healthy and fit?
Nupur: Just do it! Avoid crap food and please sleep well. Find a group that inspires you to do this and stick with it. And pick a sport that you both enjoy and are decently good at. Otherwise it may turn out to be boring.

Interviewed by: Robin Garg (2007A3PS161P)