Celebrations Galore!

The news about the launch of BITSConnect 2.0 is all over the place. It was an apt moment to get together and celebrate. The first of the celebrations happened at Fremont, California hosted by none other than the chairman of BITSAA Mr. Raju Reddy at his residence. The event, not surprisingly, witnessed BITSian enthusiasm with BITSians like Sarath Kolla flying in from the east coast or Ravi Varanasi making it to the event straight from the airport after a business trip in London, just to mention a few. Also the participants included BITSians from batches spreading over three decades from a variety of professional backgrounds like engineers, entrepreneurs, academicians and venture capitalists bringing together a degree of diversity that BITS campuses are known for. Also present were non-BITSians who enthusiastically contributed to the project like Mr. Kanwal Rekhi and Mr. Srini Madala. With awesome dinner coupled with drinks and to top it off wonderful conversations about a variety of topics made the evening an unforgettable one.

Mr. Raju Reddy thanking the guests. Also seen is Mr. Kanwal Rekhi

Raju Reddy, the host thanked the participants and donors and a special mention was made about the champions of the project – Prem Jain, Sarath Kolla and Shashikant Khandelwal. Each of the champions shared their experience and encouraged others to show the same amount of enthusiasm for future projects. BITS alumnus and NYU professor Nasir Memon, who also delivered the very first lecture for the Embryo project thereby sowing the seeds for what we see today, shared his thoughts. Sarath is already preparing for the next BGM enthusiastically, while Shashikant is coming up with interesting ways to use the BITSConnect 2.0 facility truly testing the limits of its potential. The guests applauded the efforts of these gentlemen and we look forward to a stronger participation from the alumni in getting the best out of this facility. Along with the drinks and the dessert many potential opportunities for collaboration were also chatted about.

The champions of BITSConnect 2.0 – Sarath Kolla and Shashikant Khandelwal

The evening ended as happily as it began with people parting with excitement and hopefully pondering about lots of ideas that we will see pouring out in the days to come. The first milestone has been achieved but the journey is still on and its imperative that each BITSian has a role to play, and together we can achieve greater heights. And also pose for a nice photograph!

BITSConnect 2.0 – The journey so far

2 years of all the hard-work  planning, and anticipation come to fruition with the inauguration of BITS Connect 2.0 on Jan 9th and 10th ! Our alma mater will take its first step in becoming a world class private university with the state of the art TelePresence installations. We at BITSAA International are thrilled – to say the least !

The team has been publishing a series of newsletters covering the idea of the game changing project, how BITSConnect 2.0 will change the way the world looks at BITS Pilani and the passionate BITSians who have generously donated for the project. If you had missed out on reading the newsletters, here’s a quick recap on what’s been happening around the BITS Connect 2.0 front

    • The Bridges to the Future fundraising Campaign was formally launched on Dec 6, 2011 with the flagship initiative being BITSConnect 2.0. Here’s a snapshots of the events so far http://www.bitsaa.org/news/109013/
    • Two BITSians scripted one of the first BITSian entrepreneurial success stories in the US and then generously donated US$ 100K towards a TelePresence room at the BITS Pilani Hyderabad campus. http://www.bitsaa.org/news/111338/
    • Two BITSians join hands to pay Gurudakshina to their favorite Professor at BITS – They donate $50K for BITS Connect 2.0 and name a TelePresence room in Goa campus after Prof. Handa – http://www.bitsaa.org/news/112178/
    • Young BITSian entrepreneurs talk about how BITS and BITSians supported them in their entrepreneurial journey. As a pay-back, they donate $50K towards a TelePresence room in Pilani Campus  –  http://www.bitsaa.org/news/112322/

You can also watch the inauguration from the confines of your home – Connect with us via our Facebook page and stay updated about the webcast of the launch !

Spread the word about BITS Connect 2.0. Feel Proud to be a BITSian !