Announcing the BITSAA Leadership Program 2012

The BITSAA Leadership Programme to take in the new 2012 cohort of Leaders is here. BITSAA Leaders have done great work in their fields and the time has come for new talent to take part in rising up to the occasion. We hope to cross the number of applications of the last Leadership recruitment drive by leaps and bounds this year, and as our responsibilities as an organization grow, looking for determined people to help lead us into the future.

What kind of Leaders does BITSAA want? To know more, access the slideshare presentation here and the BITSAA Leadership Programme Video Teaser.


So, head to this page and apply now!

Oh! btw, BITSAA has also officially begun rolling out the BITSAA Certificates of Appreciation after a year long initiative by the HR team to create added value for the BITSAA Leaders community.  This goes a long way to reiterate the gratitude BITSAA has towards Leaders and the excellent work they do day in and day out towards the betterment of BITSAA and the student community apart from their daily jobs. So, yes, volunteering has its perks 🙂

– from the desk of the HR team

Weekend Witchcrafts – BITSians in film-making

A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Flight to Arras, 1942

The profound quote aptly describes Weekend Witchcrafts.

A few months ago, the BITSConnect 2.0 team threw their way a  task – create a promotional video as a teaser for the project. What we wanted was very clear – we needed to move BITSians in nostalgia, make them reconnect to their BITSian roots (if ever they had lost touch), and get them excited about BITSConnect 2.0. What we gave them to work with was much fuzzier. BITSConnect 2.0, at conception, was still largely the dry subjects of networks and unified communications. Continue reading

The people behind the People

Ever since its inception, BITSAA has grown to be the rallying point for BITSians across the globe who want to keep in touch with batchmates, give back to the BITSian community and in general, stay connected with the happenings back at the Alma Mater. The BITSian spirit is what makes BITSAA what it is today, one of the strongest and most active alumni networks on the planet.

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BITSAA Leadership updates – marketing/ chapter relations

On a similar note, BITSAA is also excited to have a new CMO who has already broken several internal records in leading the BITSAA Global Meet core team. 

Abhisheak Iyer -CMO

Abhisheak Iyer -CMO

In the last year, Abhisheak Iyer created from scratch a global  team that organized the first-ever BITS Pilani Alumni Global Meet. He has influenced, “shaken” and earned numerous kudos worldwide from people across the board  and within BITSAA. Abhisheak’s network and personal relationships within the alumni leadership extend from Pilani to Palo Alto, from Hyderabad to Houston, from Delhi to Denver and so on. Continue reading

BITSAA Leadership updates – tech

Spring brought BITSAA International a fresh crop of enthusiastic leaders and the transitions have promised us some exciting and path breaking ventures in the future. You’ve probably read about our new Chairman already. Over the next week, we want to introduce to you the gears of the BITSAA machinery. 

Suresh Sajja

Suresh Sajja - CTO

The sheer complexity of the technology infrastructure backing our efforts is not just the basis of, but one of the principal achievements that proves how formidable BITSAA is. In the words of Anupendra Sharma, “the Chief Technical Officer position has always been so strategic, and gives BITSAA the chance to be one such organization, that can influence the lives and direction of 30,000+ alums and 5,000 students on campus – who in turn can create organizations and products that will make the world a better place.”

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